Friday, June 22, 2012

If I Don't Return....

Today I have set myself the task of entering my sewing room to start some sewing I have been asked to do.  However, I haven't been in there in a couple of months since the early span of maternity sewing I did.  After a brief foray to the brink yesterday, I think I have very good reason to be afraid.  I know for a fact that fabric has been multiplying, a loom and and accessories have evolved from the dust bunnies, and I'm pretty sure that the pattern books and binders had a raucous party too.  I'll go armed with trash bags, dust cloths, and a pith helmet, but if I don't return be sure I'm being held hostage, likely tied up with yarn and gagged with flannel.  I'll refrain from sharing any reconnaisance photos in order to protect the not so innocent.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Yarn Snobbery

I hate to admit this, but I have become what some people would consider a "yarn snob".  I really dislike working with all that acrylic stuff that seems to pervade most craft stores.  Not only do I dislike working with it, but I wouldn't wrap my new precious bundle in something made with it.  Now maybe my brain just works differently, maybe it's the time spent with living historians around open flames, but do you know what that stuff does when a spark hits it?  I've seen it, and it isn't pretty, and I would never run the risk of having it around my baby.  For my baby, and if you choose differently I hold nothing against you, it's all natural fibers and preferably wool. But this leaves me with a bit of a problem!  You see, I was given a bag of "wool" (used the way it's used where I live to denote any fiber to knit or crochet with) by a very sweet older lady to "make a blanket for the baby".  There isn't any actual wool in it.  I accepted it several months ago and put it away hoping she would forget about it and that I could get rid of it at some point.  However, I was asked last night if I had made a blanket yet for the baby with the "wool"- she even remembered the colors.  I was able to say truthfully that I haven't made any blankets yet, that my pile of knitting is huge!  Now what do I do?  I can crochet (the quickest method) a blanket just to show her and use it once to please her (this is what I'm leaning towards), or I can continue to ignore it and hope to be able to come up with future excuses.

In the meantime, here are a couple of new photos of baby things just to make you smile.

                                     Boys Booties from Natural Knits for Moms and Babies

Puerperium Cardigan

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Time for Little Things

                          This is the Harvey Kimono from Natural Knits for Babies and Moms

I have been away for a while, but been very busy.  The baby knitting is in full swing, it helped that I can't seem to follow a detailed pattern right now.  Baby things tend to be quite simple and quick, and oh so cute!  Now I can't resist trolling through Ravelry looking at all the cute sweaters, hats, booties, etc.  It seems like I'm daily coming up with one or two new patterns that absolutely must be knit in the next three months.  They won't all get done so I'm trying to sort them by styles and sizes that really could be knit over the winter, or into next year for next winter.  I currently have three blankets that I would love to knit, in the next three months of course, one of which I still need to spin the yarn for.  Then there are multiple pairs of hand knit baby socks, what else do you do with the left over little bits from your own socks?  I have done two pairs of booties with leftover yarn from various projects - he's helping me destash a bit. - and I have several other pairs that I'd like to do.  The pile of handknit love is steadily growing, here are a couple of pictures, more to come as I get them taken.

                                            Pumpkin Hat from Wacky Little Baby Knits