This is my Brother Disney Embroidery Machine. It was given to me by a friend that I quilt with, who received it from her sister, who received it in error from her husband and then couldn't return it. So, along with other sewing/quilting projects this year, I will add embroidered projects for gifts. I am really starting to amass quite a few machines and gadgets to work with - so awesome that most of them were given to me. I have such wonderful friends.
So, here is the start of a list to tackle in 2011, though not necessarily in this order.
Culottes for Brianna
Frock Coat for Ben
Shirt for Barret
Birthday Present for Colton
Nightgown from Godeys
Kay Fig Wrapper
New Blue silk Bonnet
Aqua dress for summer
Forest Green Shirt
Wool Paletot
Finish last Petticoat
Purple Corduroy Jacket
"Follow the Drinking Gourd" Quilt
4 Patch CW quilt kit
30's quilt (in pieces)
I am sure that there are others that are waiting there for me, but those are the ones that are screaming the loudest. Perhaps I need to get down to my sewing room now and get started.